Best hangover cures.
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo yesterday? Waking up with a hangover? Here are a few tips to help you get rid of that hangover quickly and not let it ruin the rest of your day. Of course, you’ve sworn off alcohol AGAIN, but in case you slip.
1. Limit your alcohol intake. (Well, a little too late for that advice.)
2. Try and stick with the white liquors.
3. Try not to mix your alcohol. Meaning, have a few beers while you’re getting ready, do shots when you meet up with your friends, having cocktails and then downing a few bottles of wine at dinner. This sounds impossible to me but give it a shot.
4. Eat a nutritious, well balanced breakfast the next morning.
5. Hydrate! Not just the next morning, but while you are drinking. Have an 8 oz glass of water in between alcoholic drinks.
6. Try a commercially available hangover remedy. There are many on the market. Some require that you take them BEFORE you start drinking or before you go to bed.
7. Lastly, if all else fails, try a bit of the “hair of the dog”. Have ONE drink the next morning.
There you have it, seven hangover cures for you to try the next time you swear off alcohol!
Some of this information was taken from an article in Healthline, Written by Rachael Link, MS, RD on August 11, 2017
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